Kay Valley
5 min readApr 9, 2022


Blackface Minstrel Shows

Black Face Minstrel Shows In Canada

How Canadian parents taught their children to be racist

Child’s coinbank with 2 black boys stealing watermelon. One boy has the stereotypical red watermelon lips. racism, humanity, death, life, human rights, work, education, purpose, love, grief
Boys Stealing Watermelons Mechanical Coin Bank http://images.mohistory.org/image/C6F57112-BD01-1820-BED9-F5718F2E8EAA/original.jpg

I wonder that white parents aren’t arrested for child abuse. Teaching their children racism, giving them toys to instruct on Black inferiority as compared to whites.

But talk of anti-racism, as in Critical Race Theory, and the same parents lose their shit. I’d love one of these mouth breathing, “I can’t have my children learn that racism is wrong” parents to explain to me why it’s okay to give a child a Black minstrelsy toy (look closely at the boy standing in the picture above and you can just make out his red watermelon lips) with all its evocation of white is right, yet it’s wrong to teach that loving everyone is good.

Of course, the answer is in the question as white usually means no accountability and freedom to behave however one chooses.

White parents want their children to know they’re uber special (they’re not) and they’re superior to Blacks (again, no). When I think of superior — I consider someone who can play the trumpet exceptionally well, sing, write, perform advanced mathematics, or someone who comes up with hundreds of uses for the simple peanut.

Not people who’ve been too lazy to forge their own path except through abusing…



Kay Valley

Your Black friend. Radical ideas on inequity, race & poverty. Follow on Substack: https://kayvalley.substack.com/